Promise to Prepare

Make Your Promise to Prepare
While the timing of a disaster can be difficult to predict, at ReadyOC, we can guarantee a disaster - whether man-made or natural - will occur at some point in the future. In order to prepare for that time, we offer a variety of tactics, information, and guides on how you can better equip your home, business, and family when disaster strikes.
Although Orange County residents are aware that emergency preparedness is important to handle disasters, most have made little, if any, actual preparations!
Take the first step today by making a promise to prepare, or refresh, your emergency kit. You should also make or update an emergency plan and outline any plans you may have to volunteer. When you prepare, you will have resources to help you immediately take action.
We know the next emergency is coming. We just don’t know when or what kind it will be. So make your Promise to Prepare today!

Promise to Prepare

You can add the Promise to Prepare button to your website by adding this code snippet:
<a href="https://www.readyoc.com/promise-to-prepareindex.html"
target="_blank"><img src="http://www.readyoc.org/p2p_sm.gif"
alt="Promise to Prepare" width="138" height="43" border="0" /></a